by | Mar 12, 2024 | IVF Treatment


Infertility has emerged as a significant global health issue which is known to affect approximately 10-15% of couples worldwide. In the past decade, India has become a premier destination for fertility treatments for international patients seeking high-quality infertility treatment at cost-effective prices. At our IVF Clinic in Noida, we are part of this transformative wave by offering cutting-edge fertility treatments that incorporate the latest advancements in reproductive science.

Statistics reveal a significant rise in fertility treatment success rates due to these innovative approaches Treatments can now go up to 90% per cycle thanks to individualized protocols which is a huge advancement from a decade ago. Moreover, the adoption of technologies such as PRP ovarian rejuvenation and stem cell therapy has further enhanced our ability to address a wide range of infertility issues. This is truly the decade to set new benchmarks in Infertility treatment and help couples with complicated infertility issues. India’s appeal to international patients is now not just about affordability but the High success rates. Fertility treatments in India now cost 10% of what they do in most developed countries. Not to mention the personalized care and English-speaking medical staff along with the presence of modern and up to date make India an attractive option. Fertility clinics in India now personify this trend by combining world-class treatments by the best fertility Doctors making India a top choice for Couples seeking fertility solutions. This convergence of 3 factors i.e. Success rates, Low cost, and quality care positions India, and our IVF Clinic in Noida, as a global leader in reproductive care.


In simple words, Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular and unprotected intercourse. Infertility is known to impact approximately 8-12% of reproductive-aged couples globally as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Among women, common causes of infertility include ovulatory disorders, fallopian tube damage, endometriosis, and age-related factors. Despite the advancements, traditional treatment methods like medication for ovulation induction and surgical interventions have their limitations, often providing insufficient solutions for complex infertility issues.

The emotional and Mental toll on women and couples facing infertility cannot be overstated. Studies published in reputable journals such as the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, highlight the profound impact of infertility, including depression, anxiety, and marital strain. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) further highlight the importance of addressing these mental health aspects as an integral part of infertility treatment.

To offer more comprehensive solutions, our practice incorporates both cutting-edge treatments and supportive psychological counseling. By understanding the depth of infertility’s impact and the limitations of traditional approaches, should strive for a holistic treatment model that addresses both the physical and emotional health of our patients.


  • World Health Organization (WHO): who. int
  • American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM):
  • Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences:

Our detailed approach is based on the results of over 10,000 Patients making our IVF clinic in India, Little Angel IVF as a leader in fertility treatment and support.


1. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Ovarian Rejuvenation: PRP is a revolutionary approach to treating infertility, particularly for women with diminished ovarian reserve or poor egg quality. This procedure involves extracting the patient’s blood, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets and growth factors, and then injecting this platelet-rich plasma into the ovaries. The growth factors stimulate cellular regeneration and angiogenesis, potentially rejuvenating the ovaries to improve follicular development and increase egg quality. Studies, such as those published in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology, suggest that PRP treatment may lead to increases in antral follicle count and restoration of menstrual function in some women, offering hope where traditional methods have not succeeded.

2. Stem Cell Therapy: STP represents another frontier in fertility treatment, based on the capacity of stem cells to differentiate into various cell types, including oocytes or sperm. Research, including work featured in Cell Stem Cell, shows promising directions, such as the potential to generate gametes from stem cells, offering new possibilities for individuals with infertility due to gamete deficiency. Though still in the early stages, the application of stem cell therapy in fertility treatments could radically change the options available to couples struggling with infertility.

3. Advancements In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): IVF has also seen significant technological advancements. Enhanced IVF procedures now often include comprehensive genetic screening, such as Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), allowing for the selection of embryos with the best genetic makeup, thereby increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy and healthy offspring. Innovations in embryo culture systems and transfer techniques further optimize the IVF process, improving implantation rates and outcomes. The Human Reproduction Update journal highlights the success of such technologies in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of IVF treatments, marking a significant step forward in assisted reproductive technology.

These cutting-edge fertility treatments, from PRP ovarian rejuvenation to stem cell therapy and new IVF advancements, symbolize the merging of medical innovation with the quest to overcome infertility. This is most certainly a new era that can truly offer couples new pathways to parenthood reality


1. Leading Fertility Experts Insights:

Leading fertility experts affirm the transformative potential of new treatments like PRP ovarian rejuvenation and stem cell therapy. Studies and clinical trials have shown promising outcomes, particularly for patients who previously had limited options. For instance, PRP therapy has been credited with improving ovarian reserve markers in women with premature ovarian insufficiency, as noted in the Reproductive Sciences journal. Experts highlight the personalized nature of these treatments, emphasizing their role in developing tailored fertility solutions that can significantly enhance success rates in assisted reproduction technologies.

2. Success Stories of Infertility Patients:

Numerous success stories underline the impact of cutting-edge fertility treatments. One such case involves a 38-year-old woman with a history of failed IVF attempts who turned to stem cell therapy. After undergoing treatment, she experienced an improvement in egg quality and successfully conceived through IVF, as detailed in a case report within the Fertility and Sterility journal. These stories not only showcase the potential of innovative treatments to overturn previous infertility diagnoses but also offer hope to countless couples facing similar challenges.

3. Expert Opinion and Ongoing Research in Fertility:

Fertility specialists are optimistic about the future of fertility treatments, envisioning a landscape where advanced biotechnologies like gene editing and artificial gametes become mainstream. Ongoing research aims to refine these techniques, making them safer and more accessible. Experts predict a shift towards more customized treatment plans, leveraging genetic information to optimize outcomes. The potential for breakthroughs in understanding and treating infertility is immense, with ongoing studies aimed at uncovering the root causes of fertility issues and developing even more effective treatments.


1. Success Rates: Traditional vs. New Treatments: The landscape of fertility treatments has seen significant advancements, leading to a notable shift in success rates. Traditional treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), offer success rates around 40-45% per cycle, depending on the age and health of the patient. However, new treatments like PRP ovarian rejuvenation and stem cell therapy have shown promising results potentially increasing success rates by 50% especially in patients who have not benefited from conventional methods. For example, PRP therapy has been associated with improved ovarian response, leading to a higher quality and quantity of eggs retrieved during IVF cycles.

2. Key Factors for New Fertility Treatment Success: The efficacy of cutting-edge fertility treatments is influenced by several factors, including patient suitability and underlying health conditions. Age remains a critical determinant; younger patients tend to have higher success rates due to better ovarian reserve and egg quality. Additionally, specific causes of infertility, such as diminished ovarian reserve or male factor infertility, may respond more favourably to certain advanced treatments. A thorough evaluation by fertility specialists is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to the patient’s unique circumstances.

3. Considerations Before Opting for New Fertility Treatments: Embarking on a journey with new fertility treatments requires careful consideration of several factors:

  • Costs: Innovative treatments can be expensive and are not always covered by insurance plans, necessitating out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Availability: Access to cutting-edge treatments may be limited to specialized centres or geographical locations.
  • Ethical and Health Implications: Patients should consider the ethical considerations of certain treatments, such as the use of donor gametes, and potential health risks or side effects.

Couples are encouraged to discuss these considerations with their fertility specialist to make an informed decision that aligns with their personal, financial, and ethical boundaries.


What questions should I ask my doctor about new fertility treatments?

  1. What are the latest fertility treatments available?
  2. How do these treatments work and their success rates?
  3. What are the potential risks and side effects?
  4. How do we determine if a treatment is right for us?
  5. What are the expected timeline and steps involved in the treatment process?

What are the latest Fertility treatment options available?

The latest fertility treatment options include PRP ovarian rejuvenation, stem cell therapy, and advanced IVF technologies such as genetic screening and embryo selection. These innovative methods aim to improve egg quality, enhance embryo development, and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy for individuals and couples facing infertility challenges.

How do these treatments work, and what are their success rates?

PRP ovarian rejuvenation stimulates ovarian function, potentially improving egg quality. Stem cell therapy aims to regenerate reproductive cells. Advanced IVF technologies enhance embryo selection and genetic health. Success rates vary, with PRP and stem cell therapies being newer areas of study, while advanced IVF shows increased pregnancy rates compared to traditional methods.

Are there any risks or side effects with these Fertility treatments?

Yes, these treatments may carry risks and some side effects. PRP therapy may cause discomfort or infection at the injection site. Stem cell treatments are experimental, with potential for unforeseen effects. Advanced IVF technologies risk multiple pregnancies and associated complications. Patients should discuss these risks in detail with their fertility specialist before proceeding.

How do we determine if a particular treatment is right for us?

Determining the right fertility treatment involves evaluating your medical history, age, specific infertility diagnosis, and previous treatments. Consulting an Expert fertility specialist to assess these factors and discuss treatment options, success rates, and potential risks is necessary. Personal preferences and ethical considerations also play a significant role in decision-making.

What is the expected timeline for New Age Fertility treatment?

The expected timeline for New Age Fertility treatments varies based on the specific method and individual patient factors. PRP therapy and stem cell treatments may require several weeks to observe potential effects. Advanced IVF cycles typically span 4-6 weeks from stimulation to embryo transfer, with additional time for preparatory testing and follow-up.

How do I choose the right fertility clinic for new treatments?

Choosing the right fertility clinic involves researching clinics’ success rates with new treatments, evaluating the expertise of their staff, and assessing their technological capabilities. Consider patient reviews, the range of services offered, and the clinic’s approach to patient care. Consultations can also provide insight into their compatibility with your needs and values.

What experience does Dr Mona Dahiya have with new fertility treatments?

Dr. Mona Dahiya has an impressive 25 years of experience in the field of fertility, with the last decade dedicated to New Age Fertility Treatments. Her expertise spans advanced techniques such as PRP ovarian rejuvenation, stem cell therapy, and the latest IVF technologies, showcasing her intent and commitment to leveraging cutting-edge solutions for infertility.

How should I prepare for undergoing a new fertility treatment?

Preparing for a new fertility treatment involves several steps: conducting thorough research to understand the procedure, discussing potential risks and benefits with your specialist, undergoing necessary medical evaluations, and mentally preparing for the journey ahead. It is also beneficial to adjust your lifestyle, including diet and exercise, to optimize your health.

What lifestyle or dietary changes should I consider?

Dr. Mona Dahiya recommends adopting a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to support reproductive health. Reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise are also crucial. These lifestyle and dietary adjustments can enhance fertility treatment outcomes by improving overall well-being.

Are there any preliminary tests or evaluations needed?

Yes, preliminary tests and evaluations are essential before starting any fertility treatment. These may include hormonal profile assessments, ovarian reserve tests, semen analysis for partners, pelvic ultrasounds, and possibly genetic screening. These diagnostics help identify underlying causes of infertility and tailor the treatment plan to individual needs for optimal outcomes.

How can I mentally prepare for the new Age Fertility treatment process?

Mentally preparing for New Age Fertility treatment involves building a strong support system, engaging in stress-reduction activities like meditation or yoga, and possibly seeking counselling to navigate emotional challenges. Educating yourself about the treatment process and setting realistic expectations can also help manage anxiety and foster a positive mindset throughout your journey.

Should I consider any financial planning before starting a Fertility treatment?

Yes, financial planning is important before starting fertility treatment. Consider the costs of procedures, medications, and any additional testing or treatments that may be required. Explore insurance coverage, financing options, and potential grants or assistance programs. Creating a budget can help manage expenses and reduce financial stress during this process.

Why is a support system important during fertility treatments?

Dr Mona Dahiya, India’s top fertility specialist, emphasizes that a robust support system is vital during fertility treatments for emotional and practical support. It can include family, friends, or support groups, providing encouragement, understanding, and companionship through the highs and lows, significantly impacting the overall well-being and treatment experience.

Are there any recommended support groups or resources for couples undergoing fertility treatments?

In India, Fertility Dost and India IVF Forum, in the UK, Fertility Network UK, across Europe, Fertility Europe, in Singapore KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Support Group, in the USA, Resolve: The National Infertility Association and in Australia, Access Australia provide invaluable support and resources for couples undergoing fertility treatments, offering guidance, community, and advocacy.

What role do counsel and mental health care play in fertility treatments?

Counselling and mental health care play critical roles in fertility treatments by providing emotional support, coping strategies, and stress management techniques. These services help individuals and couples navigate the psychological complexities of infertility, improve resilience, and maintain mental well-being, which can positively impact treatment outcomes and overall quality of life.

How can counselling help us cope with the emotional aspects of infertility?

Dr. Mona Dahiya, a globally acclaimed infertility doctor, advocates that counselling can be instrumental in coping with infertility’s emotional aspects. It offers a safe space to express feelings, learn coping mechanisms, and manage stress, helping couples navigate the challenges of infertility with resilience and improved mental well-being.

What types of counselling services are beneficial (individual, couple, group)?

Both individual and couple counselling services are beneficial, addressing personal and shared emotional challenges of infertility. Individual counselling focuses on personal coping strategies, while couples counselling strengthens communication and mutual support. Group counselling offers a community of peers with similar experiences, providing unique insights and collective encouragement. Each type plays a crucial role in holistic emotional health during fertility journeys.

How do I find a therapist or counsellor experienced in fertility issues?

To find a therapist or counsellor experienced in fertility issues consult a fertility specialist or clinic for referrals. Explore memberships in Indian fertility and mental health organizations like the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) or the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IACP) for certified professionals. Additionally, online support groups and health forums can offer localized recommendations for fertility counselling. Research professional associations related to reproductive health, such as the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), which often list certified professionals. Online directories and support groups can also provide recommendations tailored to fertility counselling.

How can we maintain hope and positivity during fertility treatments?

Maintaining hope and positivity during fertility treatments involves setting realistic expectations, celebrating small victories, and focusing on things within your control. Engaging in activities that bring joy, practising mindfulness or meditation, and staying connected with supportive friends, family, or support groups can also bolster optimism and resilience throughout the fertility journey.

What strategies can help us stay optimistic throughout the treatment process?

Staying optimistic throughout the treatment process can be supported by strategies such as practising gratitude, focusing on the journey rather than solely on the outcome, and engaging in positive self-talk. Keeping a journal of progress, seeking stories of hope and success, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle also contribute to a positive outlook.

How can we manage disappointment or setbacks?

Managing disappointment or setbacks in fertility treatments involves allowing yourself to grieve, seeking support from loved ones or a professional counsellor, and practising self-care. Reframing setbacks as part of the journey and setting aside time for activities you enjoy can also help in maintaining emotional balance and resilience.

Why is it important to celebrate small victories during our Fertility journey?

Celebrating small victories during your fertility journey is crucial for maintaining positivity and motivation. Each milestone, no matter how minor, signifies progress and a step closer to your goal. Acknowledging these achievements helps build resilience, fosters hope and provides much-needed encouragement through the ups and downs of fertility treatments.

Is it essential to explore all available Fertility treatment options?

Exploring all available fertility treatment options is essential to find the best path forward for your unique situation. Understanding the range of treatments, from traditional IVF to newer techniques like PRP therapy, allows for informed decision-making. It ensures you have considered every possibility to increase your chances of achieving parenthood.

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    Dr Mona Dahiya

    Dr Mona Dahiya

    IVF Specialist & Consultant

    Dr Mona Dahiya has performed over 10,000+ IVF cycles and is considered a global expert in IVF, ICSI, IUI and male fertility treatment. She is an eminent writer on Infertility Treatment and has over 100 Publications in both International and National Journals. Dr Mona Dahiya has immensely contributed to the field of infertility through her Research and articles.

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