Fertility Excellence for 25 Years


Experience advanced ICSI treatment in Noida at Little Angel IVF.We provide cutting-edge technology with expert care at our ICSI Treatment Clinic in Noida.


Little Angel IVF is a Foremost ICSI Treatment Clinic in Noida for couples struggling with infertility. This specialized form of ICSI IVF is designed for cases where conventional IVF might not be effective, especially in scenarios of severe male factor infertility. The ICSI Procedure significantly increases the chances of fertilization, even when sperm count is extremely low or sperm motility is impaired. Our clinic’s state-of-the-art laboratory facilities ensure the highest standards of care and precision during this delicate procedure.

Under the guidance of renowned fertility Doctor Dr. Mona Dahiya, Little Angel IVF has achieved impressive success rates with ICSI.Our ICSI centers approach is not just about technological prowess but also about providing empathetic, patient-centered care. Each couple’s journey is supported with personalized treatment plans, counseling, and continuous medical support. Our commitment to combining advanced reproductive technology with compassionate care makes Little Angel IVF a preferred destination for ICSI treatment in Noida.

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    The procedure for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) treatment in Noida involves several key steps:

    Ovarian Stimulation:

    • Fertility drugs given to stimulate ovaries for multiple egg production.
    • Monitoring the development of eggs through ultrasound and blood tests.

    Egg Retrieval:

    • Eggs extracted from ovaries with a fine needle using ultrasound.
    • ICSI procedure is done under Mild sedation or anesthesia.

    Sperm Injection:

    • Single sperm injected into each egg with a fine needle.
    • This process is performed in a specialized laboratory.

    Embryo Transfer:

    • Fertilized eggs develop into Healthy embryos over (3-5) days.
    • Embryos are transferred to uterus using for successful implantation.

    This meticulous procedure available at our ICSI Treatment Clinic in Noida Little Angel IVF, maximizes the chances of fertilization and pregnancy in cases of severe male infertility. India’s Top ICSI Doctor personally performs every procedure at our ICSI Centre in Noida. Book an Online Consultation for ICSI Treatment in Noida.

    IVF success stories


    Meet Dr. Mona Dahiya, a leading expert in ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) treatment, based at Little Angel IVF in Noida. Her expertise and research in the field of reproductive medicine have earned her global recognition. Her ICSI Treatment studies have been featured in top medical journals in India, UK, and USA.

    Dr. Dahiya’s educational credentials are equally impressive. She is a gold medalist in MBBS from Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), Delhi, and holds an MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), Delhi. Further accentuating her qualifications is a prestigious fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from Singapore General Hospital.

    As a visiting senior consultant at top IVF hospitals in Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon, Dr. Dahiya specializes in performing intricate ICSI procedures for severe male infertility. Her skills and dedication have made her a trusted ICSI specialist, with countless couples achieving positive results. Her personalized treatment plans make her a preferred choice for couples seeking expert ICSI treatment in Noida.


    Is ICSI better than IVF?

    Both ICSI and IVF are proven fertility treatments, tailored to distinct scenarios. Research indicates ICSI Treatment, which entails injecting sperm directly into the egg, is more effective for cases of severe male infertility. Conversely, traditional IVF, involving the combination of sperm and egg, addresses a wider spectrum of fertility issues. The selection between these methods depends on the individual’s specific infertility challenges.

    How successful is ICSI treatment?

    ICSI treatment has shown significant success in overcoming male infertility. On average, the fertilization rate of eggs using ICSI is about 70-85%. However, the overall success rate of achieving pregnancy varies, often influenced by factors like maternal age and underlying fertility issues. Each case is unique, affecting the outcome.

    Is ICSI treatment painful?

    ICSI treatment itself is not painful for the patient, as it involves laboratory procedures on eggs and sperm. However, associated processes like egg retrieval may cause discomfort or mild pain, typically managed with medication. Most patients experience minimal physical discomfort during the ICSI treatment cycle.

    How much does ICSI cost?

    In India, the cost of ICSI treatment varies. On average, it ranges from ₹1.5 to ₹2 Lakhs (INR), equivalent to approximately $2,000 to $3,300 (USD). This cost can fluctuate based on the Clinics Reputation, the complexity of the case, and any additional treatments or tests required alongside ICSI.

    Who should go for ICSI?

    ICSI is recommended for couples facing severe male infertility, characterized by issues like very low sperm count (less than 15 million sperm per milliliter), poor sperm motility, or abnormal morphology. It is also advised when prior IVF attempts fail or in cases of sperm retrieval directly from the testes.

    What is the success rate of ICSI treatment?

    The success rate of ICSI treatment is generally 10-15% higher than traditional IVF in cases of severe male infertility or repeated IVF failures linked to male factors. This increased effectiveness makes ICSI a preferred choice in these scenarios, demonstrating its capability in overcoming specific challenges related to male reproductive issues.

    How painful is ICSI procedure?

    The ICSI procedure itself is not painful as it involves microscopic manipulation of eggs and sperm in a lab setting. Patients do not experience discomfort during or after the procedure. Any mild discomfort typically relates to associated processes like egg retrieval, but these are managed effectively with medication, ensuring minimal discomfort.

    Is IVF safer than ICSI?

    IVF and ICSI are both safe and effective fertility treatments, each with its own specific applications. IVF is less invasive in terms of sperm handling, while ICSI involves direct sperm injection into the egg. The safety of both procedures is comparable, with risks being minimal and largely dependent on individual health factors.

    Is ICSI more expensive than IVF?

    ICSI is generally 10% more expensive than traditional IVF due to the additional specialized process of injecting a single sperm directly into an egg. This intricate procedure requires advanced technology and expertise, contributing to a slightly higher cost.

    What are the disadvantages of ICSI IVF?

    ICSI IVF has little or no disadvantages. There is no documented risk of birth defects compared to natural conception or traditional IVF or potential damage to eggs during sperm injection. Also, there is no higher likelihood of multiple pregnancies if more than one embryo is transferred.

    ICSI Treatment Success Rates?

    ICSI treatment success rates vary based on several factors, including the couple’s age and underlying fertility issues. On average, ICSI has a fertilization success rate of about 70-85%. However, the rate of successful pregnancy and live birth can be higher or lower as it influenced by the woman’s age and the quality of embryos.

    What are the benefits of ICSI?

    ICSI offers significant benefits, particularly for male infertility. It enables fertilization even with very low sperm counts or poor motility. ICSI is effective in cases of sperm dysfunction or blockages and is beneficial when previous IVF attempts have failed. Additionally, it allows for fertilization with surgically retrieved sperm from the testes.

    How many injections are given in ICSI treatment?

    In ICSI treatment, the number of injections varies based on the individual’s response to ovarian stimulation. Typically, daily injections of fertility hormones are administered for about 8-14 days to stimulate egg production. Additional injections may include a trigger shot to induce ovulation and potential hormonal support post-egg retrieval.

    How are a sperm chosen for ICSI?

    In ICSI, sperm selection is meticulous. Under a microscope, embryologists assess sperm for optimal morphology and motility. They choose the healthiest, most viable sperm, ensuring it appears normal in shape and size, and demonstrates good motility. This careful selection increases the likelihood of successful fertilization and healthy embryo development.

    Are ICSI children healthy?

    Children born via ICSI are generally healthy. No researched study has suggested a slight increase in birth defects compared to natural conception. Research at Little Angel IVF indicates that the overall risk is relatively low with a percentage of 0.07%. As with any fertility treatment, there may be some minor risks, but 99.99% ICSI-conceived children are healthy.

    Do ICSI babies look like their parents?

    ICSI babies, like all children, inherit physical characteristics from their parents. The ICSI process, which involves directly injecting a selected sperm into an egg, does not influence the genetic traits passed on to the child. Therefore, ICSI babies have the same likelihood of resembling their parents as naturally conceived children.

    How long does the ICSI treatment take from start to finish?

    ICSI treatment, from start to finish, typically spans about 4-6 weeks. It starts with 2 weeks of ovarian stimulation to mature eggs, followed by egg retrieval and sperm injection, which takes a few hours. Fertilized eggs develop into embryos over 3-5 days, culminating in embryo transfer into the uterus.