IVF success stories

Affordable IVF Cost in Noida:

Little Angel IVF is a leading fertility clinic in India that offers high-quality in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments at an affordable cost. IVF is a popular fertility treatment that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm in a laboratory and transferring the resulting embryo into the uterus. IVF is a complex and multi-step process that requires careful monitoring and attention to detail. At Little Angel IVF, we use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Affordable IVF Cost in Delhi NCR:

The cost of IVF treatment in India is much lower than in other countries. At Little Angel IVF, we offer affordable and transparent pricing to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care without breaking the bank. Our pricing is all-inclusive and covers all the necessary tests, medications, procedures, and consultations. The cost of IVF treatment in Delhi NCR is around

₹ 1,50,000.

IVF Cost in Delhi NCR at Little angel IVF is around ₹ 1,50,000/- per IVF Cycle

IVF TESTS COST ₹ 10,000 7%
IVF DRUGS COST ₹ 50,000 33%
  • FET IVF Cost: Additional Rs 35,000/-.
  • TESA IVF Cost: Additional Rs 25,000/-
  • ICSI IVF Cost: Additional Rs 20,000/-

IVF Treatment Cost In Delhi NCR are:

City Name Average IVF Cost/Cycle
IVF Cost in Delhi 1,50,000
IVF Cost in Noida 1,50,000
IVF Cost in Ghaziabad 1,45,000
IVF Cost in Gr Noida 1,45,000
IVF Cost in Gurgaon 1,55,000

Note: The above prices are average values and prices may vary depending on individual patient IVF treatment

IVF Benefits:

IVF treatment offers many benefits to couples struggling with infertility. Some of the key benefits of IVF treatment are:

  • Increased Chance of Pregnancy: IVF can significantly increase the chances of pregnancy for couples who are struggling with infertility.
  •  Treatment Time: IVF treatment allows couples to have more control over the timing of their pregnancy, making it easier to plan and prepare for the arrival of baby
  •  Fewer Risks of Genetic Diseases: With the help of pre-implantation genetic testing, couples can reduce the risk of passing on genetic diseases to their offspring.
  •  Higher Success Rate: IVF treatment has a higher success rate than other forms of fertility treatments, which means that couples have a greater chance of achieving a successful pregnancy.

IVF Success Rate:

At Little Angel IVF, we have a high IVF success rate. Our team of experienced doctors and staff are dedicated to providing the best possible care to our patients, and we use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our success rates are among the highest in the country, with a success rate of around 70% per cycle for women under 35 years of age. We also have a high success rate for older women and those with complex fertility issues.

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Little Angel IVF: Affordable IVF Treatment with High IVF Success Rate:

At Little Angel IVF, we understand that fertility treatments can be expensive, which is why we offer affordable and transparent pricing for our patients. Our all-inclusive pricing covers all the necessary tests, medications, procedures, and consultations, so there are no surprises or hidden fees. We also offer flexible payment options to make it easier for our patients to manage the cost of their treatment.

In addition to our affordable pricing, we also have a high success rate. Our team of experienced doctors and staff are dedicated to providing the best possible care to our patients, and we use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our success rates are among the highest in the country, and we have a proven track record of helping couples achieve their dream of starting a family.

Affordable and High-Quality IVF Treatments we Provide are:

  • Advanced Technology: We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. Our lab is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and is staffed by experienced embryologists who are experts in their field.
  • Experienced Doctors and Staff: Our team of experienced doctors and staff are dedicated to providing the best possible care to our patients. We have a team of fertility specialists who are experts in their field and have years of experience helping couples achieve their dream of starting a family.
  • All-inclusive pricing covers all necessary tests, medications, procedures, and consultations, so there are no hidden fees or surprises.
  • They also offer flexible payment options to help patients manage the cost of their treatment.
  • Little Angel IVF uses the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
  • Their lab is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and is staffed by experienced embryologists who are experts in their field.
  • Little Angel IVF has a team of experienced doctors and staff who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to patients.
  • Their success rates are among the highest in the country, with a success rate of around 70% per cycle for women under 35 years of age.
  • They have a proven track record of helping couples achieve their dream of starting a family, even for older women and those with complex fertility issues.

High Quality Yet Affordable IVF Cost in Noida

With 30 million couples suffering from infertility in India, the cost of treatment in our country is a major concern. It is the stumbling block that limits many couples from taking treatment at the right time. Out of the various treatment modalities that are available for management of infertility, IVF is one of the costliest. The hormonal injections used and the infrastructure and technology involved in this delicate scientifically evolved process contribute to increasing the cost of the total procedure. The motto for treatment at Little Angel IVF is “Affordable IVF for all”, thus providing affordable IVF. Our team aims to minimize the cost without compromising the chance of conceiving or quality of treatment and care.

There are certain ways by which we, at Little Angel IVF strive to bring down the cost of IVF making it within the reach of the average Indian couple. As a Doctor-owned IVF fertility clinic, our treatment fees do not need to cover shareholder dividends, all of which usually comes out of the income obtained from patients’ IVF treatment cycle fees at other fertility clinics and hence, we are comfortably able to provide affordable IVF cost in Noida.

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    Book Your Appointment


    As experienced fertility experts, we are well aware of the emotional as well as financial aspects involved in the fertility treatment. Therefore, to ensure that the chances of pregnancy are maximized, we conduct thorough sessions in which a detailed history of the couple is taken followed by a meticulous examination to avoid missing any crucial details. Relevant investigations necessary to clinch the diagnosis are carried out and finally an individualized workplan is prepared for each couple. Our holistic approach of management also involves modification of nutritional and lifestyle factors in such a way as to increase the fertility. Implementation of such an all-encompassing personalized management plan leads to improved chances of pregnancy. Moreover, with this meticulous approach and by correction of certain causative factors of infertility, many patients conceive spontaneously.

    Aim to Provide Affordable IVF cost in Delhi NCR

    “Mild Stimulation “protocols or “Soft stimulation” is another means by which we aim at providing affordable IVF cost in Delhi NCR. This is the latest development by which we use minimum dose of injections trying to mimic a Natural cycle. As a result the hormonal levels in the body are also not very high which further improve the chances of implantation and pregnancy. Reducing the dosage of injections brings down the cost drastically.

    Routine checks and thorough monitoring of all the laboratory parameters ensures good fertilization and blastulation rates, therefore, ensuring that our laboratory conditions are optimum for the growth and culture of embryos. Doing so significantly increases the possibility of conception occurring, resulting in a simpler, easier, and less expensive treatment. Thus, Little Angel IVF team makes all the necessary efforts at each and every step of management right from the time the patient walks into the clinic till a positive pregnancy result is obtained making it one of the best IVF Clinics in Noida, Delhi NCR.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Which is the best IVF centre in Noida?
    Undoubtedly, Little Angel IVF is considered as the Best IVF Centre in Noida based on Patient Reviews, IVF Success Rate, and the fact that is Headed by One of India’s widely acclaimed IVF Doctors, Dr. Mona Dahiya.
    What is the success rate of IVF in Noida?
    Lifestyle Habits, Age, Weight and Hormonal Issues are the Leading Indicators of Infertility and play an important role that determine the success rate of IVF. Our Success Rate of IVF in Noida Clinic is about 85%.
    What is the most difficult part of IVF procedure?
    The Most Difficult Part of IVF Procedure is to implant the Embryo in a Woman’s Uterus for a Successful Pregnancy to happen. Hence, it is very important to Undergo IVF treatment from an Experienced IVF Doctor.
    How many eggs are necessary for IVF success?
    Although the Fact is that Only One Good Quality Egg is required for a Pregnancy to happen, the norm is to retrieve (10-12) Eggs during an IVF Procedure. The IVF doctor can then decide the Protocol to Freeze remaining Eggs.
    What can be the ways to increase the success of IVF in the first cycle?
    The Best way to increase the Success of IVF in the First Cycle is to Avoid Stress, Eat Healthy Food and Strictly avoid Smoking & Drinking. That being said, the key is to undergo IVF treatment from a Good IVF Doctor.
    How much is the cost of IVF in Noida?
    The Cost of IVF in Noida ranges Between Rs (1-1.5) Lac Depending on Hormonal Drugs, Tests, Ultrasounds, ICSI, Freezing, PICSI, ERA as per Individualized Treatment Protocol suggested by the IVF Doctor.
    Are the IVF hospitals in Noida effective and reliable?
    Most IVF Hospitals in Noida have adequate Infrastructure like laboratories, Ultrasound Machines, Nursing Staff & embryologists. However, effective and reliable results are a Function of an Experienced IVF Doctor.
    What problems does IVF solve?
    IVF Solves the Problem of Male Infertility & Female Infertility for Married Couples who are unable to Conceive naturally after 1 Year of Unprotected Intercourse is a Boon for Couples in Late 30’s & Early 40’s.
    Which month is best for IVF?
    Every Month is equally suited for an IVF Cycle but 2 Week’s Before the Menstrual Cycle is the best period for IVF. 2 Days Prior to the Ovulation Day is Considered as the Golden Date to Conceive.
    What should I avoid during IVF?
    One should avoid during IVF, High intake of Sugar, Salt & Caffeine and strictly avoid Alcohol & Smoking. Consume Food Rich in Zinc, Iron and Folic Acids. Green Leafy Vegetables & Fresh Fruits is the Best Diet during IVF.
    How much rest is required after the procedure?
    IVF is done under Mild Sedatives and it usually takes (10-15) Minutes for the Impanation of Embryo in a Woman’s Uterus through a Painless procedure using a thin Catheterer.1 Hour Rest is recommended after procedure.