How Much Does 1 Cycle of IVF Cost?

by | Jul 9, 2023 | IVF

What is IVF?

In recent years, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a popular and highly effective fertility treatment option for couples facing difficulties in conceiving naturally. However, along with the growing interest and success rates of IVF, the cost associated with this treatment remains a significant consideration for many individuals. IVF is a complex and multifaceted process that involves several stages, each with its own associated expenses.


The Cost of One Cycle of IVF:

In General, the Cost of 1 IVF Cycle ranges between Rs (1.5-2) Lac INR. Understanding the components of the IVF cost is crucial in evaluating the financial implications. The journey begins with an initial consultation and evaluation, where a fertility specialist assesses the individual or couple’s medical history, performs diagnostic tests, and recommends a suitable treatment plan. This consultation incurs an initial cost, which may vary depending on the clinic and the expertise of the specialist.


Steps in IVF:

Medications play a vital role in an IVF cycle. The stimulation phase requires hormonal medications to promote the production of multiple eggs. These medications can be costly and contribute significantly to the overall expenses. Additionally, the monitoring phase involves regular ultrasounds, blood tests, and other necessary procedures to monitor the progress of egg development. Each monitoring visit adds to the cumulative cost of the treatment.

The crucial step of IVF is the egg retrieval and subsequent fertilization process. This involves a surgical procedure to retrieve mature eggs from the ovaries, followed by the laboratory cost of fertilizing the eggs with sperm and culturing the resulting embryos. The quality of the laboratory facilities, the expertise of the embryologists, and the success rates of the clinic can influence the overall cost. Once the embryos are ready for transfer, another expense comes into play. The transfer procedure itself incurs a cost, and additional options such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) may involve further fees. Cryopreservation, the freezing, and storage of extra embryos for future use, also has associated costs, including initial freezing fees and annual storage charges.

Factors Affecting IVF Cost:

In addition to these direct expenses, there are several indirect factors that can influence the overall cost of an IVF cycle. The location of the clinic plays a role, as clinics in urban areas or regions with a higher cost of living may charge more for their services. The reputation and expertise of the clinic and its staff can also impact the cost, as clinics with higher success rates and experienced specialists may command higher fees. Advanced techniques and treatments such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), assisted hatching, or PGT may incur additional costs as well.

It is important to note that alongside the cost of the treatment itself, individuals or couples should consider additional expenses. These can include travel and accommodation if they need to seek treatment at a clinic located far from their residence. Furthermore, psychological support, counseling, and alternative therapies to manage the emotional aspects of fertility treatment may involve additional costs. While the cost of one cycle of IVF costs between Rs 1.5 Lac to 2 Rs Lac, it is essential to understand that many clinics offer financial counseling and flexible payment plans to help individuals manage their expenses. Some clinics also provide options for fertility insurance coverage or package deals for multiple cycles, which can reduce the overall financial burden.


Components of IVF Cost:

Initial Consultation ₹ 800 ₹ 1,000
Diagnostic Tests ₹ 6,000 ₹ 8,000
Medications ₹ 50,000 ₹ 60,000
Monitoring. ₹ 800 ₹ 1,000
Egg Retrieval and Embryo Transfer ₹ 1,00,000 ₹ 1,10,000
Cryopreservation: Embryo Freezing ₹ 25,000 ₹ 40,000
TOTAL COST (Excluding Embryo Freezing) ₹ 1,57,600 ₹ 1,80,000
  1. Initial Consultation: The cost of a consultation with a reputable fertility specialist typically ranges between Rs 800-1000. However, it is important to prioritize the expertise of the doctor over free consultations. While some clinics or doctors may offer free consultations, it is crucial to select an infertility specialist based on their experience and qualifications rather than solely relying on cost. Fertility treatment is a complex and sensitive process, and it is essential to choose a specialist who can provide the necessary expertise, personalized care, and guidance throughout the journey towards parenthood. Investing in the right specialist can significantly impact the chances of a successful outcome.
  2. Diagnostic Tests: Diagnostic tests and evaluations to assess the individual or couple’s fertility may typically range between Rs 6000 to Rs 8000. These tests are crucial in determining the underlying causes of infertility and guiding the appropriate treatment plan. Diagnostic procedures may include hormone level assessments, ultrasound scans, semen analysis, genetic screenings, and other relevant investigations. The cost of these tests can vary depending on the specific tests required, the complexity of the evaluations, the laboratory conducting the tests, and the geographical location of the clinic. It is recommended to consult with a fertility specialist to determine the necessary tests and their associated costs for a personalized evaluation.
  3. Medications: The cost of medications used to stimulate the ovaries for egg production in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) typically ranges between Rs 50,000 to Rs 55,000. These medications are essential to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, increasing the chances of a successful IVF cycle. The exact cost may vary based on factors such as the type and dosage of medications prescribed, the brand, and the duration of treatment. It is important to consult with the fertility specialist to understand the specific medications required, their costs, and any potential alternatives or generic options that may help manage the expenses. The cost of hormonal medications, fertility injections, and supportive drugs used in fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) can range between Rs 6000 to Rs 8000. These medications play a crucial role in regulating hormone levels, stimulating egg development, and supporting the reproductive process. The exact cost may vary depending on factors such as the specific medications prescribed, the dosage required, the brand, and the duration of treatment. It is recommended to consult with a fertility specialist to determine the necessary medications for your individual circumstances and to discuss any cost-saving options or alternatives that may be available.
  4. Monitoring: Monitoring during an IVF treatment cycle involves regular visits for ultrasounds, blood tests, and other necessary procedures to track follicle growth, hormone levels, and overall progress. The cost of monitoring typically ranges between Rs 600 to Rs 1000 per visit. The exact cost may vary depending on the clinic, the number of monitoring appointments required, and the specific tests performed during each visit. Regular monitoring is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and to make any necessary adjustments to the medication dosage or treatment plan. It is advisable to discuss the monitoring costs with the clinic and factor them into the overall budget for the IVF treatment.
  5. Egg Retrieval and Embryo Transfer: The journey of in vitro fertilization (IVF) involves several key procedures and laboratory processes, each contributing to the overall cost of the treatment. These include the surgical procedure to retrieve eggs from the ovaries, laboratory costs for egg fertilization, embryo development, and culture, the procedure for transferring embryos into the uterus, and the option of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). All these combined procedures are typically estimated to cost around Rs 1,00,000 (approximately 1 Lac INR). Firstly, the surgical procedure to retrieve eggs from the ovaries, known as egg retrieval, is a critical step in IVF. This minimally invasive procedure is performed under sedation or anaesthesia and involves using ultrasound guidance to extract mature eggs from the ovaries using a needle. The cost of this procedure may vary based on the clinic, the expertise of the medical staff, and any additional services or anaesthesia required. Following egg retrieval, the eggs are then fertilized with sperm in the laboratory. This involves the cost of laboratory services, including specialized equipment, culture media, and skilled embryologists. The laboratory costs also cover the monitoring and assessment of embryo development to select the most viable embryos for transfer. Once the embryos have developed, the next step is the procedure for transferring the embryos into the uterus. This involves carefully inserting a thin catheter through the cervix and into the uterus to deposit the embryos. The cost of this procedure includes the expertise of the fertility specialist, the use of ultrasound guidance, and any necessary equipment or medications. Additionally, individuals or couples may opt for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to screen embryos for specific genetic conditions or chromosomal abnormalities. PGT involves removing a small number of cells from the developing embryos and analysing them to select genetically normal embryos for transfer. The cost of PGT is an additional expense that varies depending on the number of embryos tested and the specific testing method used. It is important to note that the estimated cost of Rs 1,00,000 is a general approximation and can vary based on factors such as the clinic’s reputation, the specific services offered, and any additional treatments or procedures required. When considering the cost of IVF, it is advisable to consult with the chosen fertility clinic to obtain a detailed breakdown of the expenses involved. The clinic’s financial counsellors can provide information about payment plans, insurance coverage, and any available financial assistance programs that may help manage the costs of treatment.
  6. Cryopreservation: After the completion of an IVF cycle, individuals or couples may have excess embryos that are not immediately transferred. In such cases, the option of freezing and storing these embryos for future use becomes available. Freezing and storage of extra embryos incur additional costs, including both initial and ongoing fees. The initial cost of freezing and storing embryos involves the process of cryopreservation. This includes the specialized equipment, cryoprotectants, and the expertise of embryologists in carefully preserving the embryos. The exact cost may vary depending on the clinic, the number of embryos being frozen, and any additional services or techniques employed.

In addition to the initial cost, there are ongoing storage fees associated with maintaining the frozen embryos. These fees cover the expenses of continued storage, monitoring, and necessary administrative processes. The storage fees are typically charged on a monthly or annual basis. The cost of storage fees for maintaining frozen embryos may range between Rs 25,000 for 6 Months to Rs 40,000 annually. The exact cost may vary depending on the clinic, the duration of storage, and any additional services or benefits offered. Some clinics may offer package deals or discounts for long-term storage commitments. It is important to consider the ongoing storage fees when opting for embryo cryopreservation. Individuals or couples should factor these costs into their overall financial planning for IVF treatment. It is advisable to discuss the specific storage fees and policies with the chosen fertility clinic to fully understand the financial obligations and any available options for managing the costs.

Embryo freezing and storage provide individuals or couples with the opportunity to use the frozen embryos in future IVF cycles without the need for additional ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval. This option allows for flexibility and can be particularly beneficial in cases where individuals or couples wish to have more than one child or require multiple attempts to achieve a successful pregnancy. When considering the cost of freezing and storing embryos, it is essential to weigh the benefits and future potential use against the associated financial investment. Fertility clinics can provide detailed information on the costs, procedures, and legal aspects involved in the freezing and storage of embryos.


Additional Factors Influencing IVF Costs:

  1. Clinic Location: The cost of IVF treatments can vary depending on the location and local market conditions. In urban areas or regions with a higher cost of living, IVF costs may be higher compared to other areas. Factors such as the availability of specialized clinics, demand for fertility services, and operating expenses can impact the cost. Generally, the difference in cost between locations can range around 10%. It is important for individuals or couples seeking IVF treatment to consider these regional variations and evaluate the overall affordability based on their specific circumstances and budget. Consulting with multiple clinics and comparing costs can help in making informed decisions.
  2. Clinic Reputation and Expertise: Established clinics with higher success rates and experienced specialists often command higher fees for their services. This is because their reputation and track record of successful outcomes contributes to their value in the field of fertility treatment. The expertise and experience of these specialists, along with the advanced technologies and techniques utilized, can lead to higher success rates. As a result, the cost of treatment at these established clinics may be approximately 10% higher compared to less renowned clinics. While the higher fees may be a consideration, individuals or couples seeking IVF treatment often prioritize the expertise and success rates of these clinics in order to increase their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
  3. Advanced Techniques and Treatments: Additional procedures such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), assisted hatching, or preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can contribute to an increase in the overall cost of IVF treatment. These procedures involve specialized techniques and technologies that require additional expertise and resources. As a result, the cost of IVF can be impacted by approximately 10-15% when these additional procedures are included. While they may add to the expenses, these procedures can provide valuable benefits such as improving fertilization rates, enhancing embryo implantation potential, and reducing the risk of certain genetic conditions. It is important for individuals or couples to discuss these options with their fertility specialists, weigh the benefits against the cost, and make informed decisions based on their specific circumstances and priorities.
  4. Multiple Cycles and Package Deals: Some fertility clinics provide package deals or discounted rates for multiple IVF cycles, which can have a positive impact on the overall cost. These packages are designed to offer cost savings for individuals or couples who may require multiple attempts to achieve a successful pregnancy. By opting for such packages, the cost of each individual cycle can be reduced by approximately 10%. This can provide financial relief and alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with IVF. It is important for individuals or couples to inquire about these package deals and carefully evaluate their options to determine if they are suitable and beneficial for their specific fertility journey.


Additional Expenses To Consider:

  1. Travel and Accommodation: For individuals or couples who need to travel for IVF treatment, it is essential to consider the costs of transportation and lodging. Travelling to a different city or country for fertility treatment may incur expenses such as airfare or other modes of transportation, accommodation, and meals. These additional costs should be factored into the overall budget for IVF treatment. It is advisable to plan, research accommodation options, and explore any available travel discounts or packages. Consulting with the chosen fertility clinic can also provide guidance on nearby lodging options and any partnerships they may have with local hotels or accommodations.
  2. Ancillary Services: Fertility treatment can be emotionally challenging, and individuals or couples may require additional support to navigate the emotional aspects of the journey. Costs associated with psychological support, counselling, or alternative therapies should be taken into consideration. These costs may vary depending on the type and duration of therapy or counselling sessions, as well as the qualifications and expertise of the professionals providing these services. It is important to prioritize emotional well-being and explore options for emotional support. Some fertility clinics may offer in-house counselling services or referrals to specialized therapists, while others may collaborate with external providers. Considering these costs and investing in emotional support can contribute to a more positive and well-rounded fertility treatment experience.



The cost of one cycle of IVF can vary from Rs 1.5 Lac to Rs 2 Lac depending on various factors such as individual treatment requirements, advanced techniques used, and additional services opted for. It is important for individuals or couples to consult with fertility specialists and gather detailed information about the costs involved. Many clinics provide financial counselling and may offer payment plans, financing options, or fertility insurance coverage to help individuals manage the expenses associated with IVF. Ultimately, understanding the components and factors influencing IVF costs can assist individuals in making informed decisions and planning for this significant step in their fertility journey.



Q: How much does 1 cycle of IVF cost?
A: The cost of one cycle of IVF is around ₹15,000 however it varies depending on the clinic and location.Q: What is 1 full cycle of IVF?
A: A full cycle of IVF involves the process of stimulating the ovaries, retrieving eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory, and transferring the resulting embryos to the uterus.
Q: Is IVF successful in the first cycle?
A: The success of IVF in the first cycle varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as age, overall health, and fertility issues.
Q: How much does IVF cost in India?
A: The cost of IVF in India can vary, but it is generally more affordable compared to many other countries.
Q: Is 1 egg good for IVF?
A: While it is possible to achieve a successful pregnancy with just one egg in IVF, the chances of success are typically higher with a larger number of eggs.
Q: What age is IVF most successful?
A: IVF success rates tend to be higher for women under the age of 35, but it can still be successful for women in their 40s or even early 50s, although the chances decrease with age.
Q: How many eggs are in one IVF cycle?
A: The number of eggs retrieved in an IVF cycle can vary, but typically multiple eggs are stimulated and retrieved to increase the chances of successful fertilization.
Q: How many IVF cycles are safe?
A: The safety of IVF depends on individual circumstances and medical advice. Generally, it is recommended to consider multiple cycles if needed while monitoring the physical and emotional well-being of the individual.
Q: Can we get twins in IVF?
A: Yes, it is possible to have twins or even higher-order multiples through IVF, but it depends on the number of embryos transferred during the procedure.
Q: How much does IVF cost for twins?
A: The cost of IVF for twins can vary depending on the clinic and location. Generally, the cost increases when multiple embryos are transferred.
Q: Why is IVF expensive in India?
A: The cost of IVF in India can be influenced by factors such as the quality of facilities, expertise of doctors, use of advanced technologies, and the overall demand for infertility treatments.
Q: Is one sperm enough for IVF?
A: In IVF, one sperm is typically sufficient to fertilize an egg. However, it is common to use multiple sperm to increase the chances of successful fertilization.
Q: How is sperm collected for IVF?
A: Sperm for IVF can be collected through various methods, including masturbation and surgical procedures such as testicular sperm extraction (TESE) or epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA).
Q: What is the best size of egg for IVF?
A: The size of eggs in IVF is monitored during the stimulation phase, and the optimal size varies. Generally, mature eggs with a size of around 18-20 millimeters are considered suitable for retrieval.

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    Dr Mona Dahiya

    Dr Mona Dahiya

    IVF Specialist & Consultant

    Dr Mona Dahiya has performed over 10,000+ IVF cycles and is considered a global expert in IVF, ICSI, IUI and male fertility treatment. She is an eminent writer on Infertility Treatment and has over 100 Publications in both International and National Journals. Dr Mona Dahiya has immensely contributed to the field of infertility through her Research and articles.

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