Fertility Excellence for 25 Years


Little Angel IVF offers expert IUI treatment IN Noida with advanced techniques with personalized care to enhance fertility success rates.


Little Angel IVF in Noida specializes in expert IUI treatment in Noida, a blend of advanced techniques and personalized care to boost fertility success rates. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a form of artificial insemination that improves pregnancy chances by placing healthy sperm closer to the egg. This procedure is typically carried out during an ovulation cycle, often with fertility medications like Clomid to stimulate ovulation.

Ideal for couples who have struggled to conceive for at least a year, IUI is a straightforward and cost-effective solution for various infertility issues. These include cervical factor infertility, where cervical conditions hinder sperm passage, and anovulatory infertility, where ovulation is irregular or absent. Little Angel IVF’s approach to IUI involves a thorough understanding of each patient’s unique situation, ensuring the treatment is well-suited to their specific needs. Our clinic’s commitment to integrating cutting-edge fertility techniques with compassionate patient care makes us a trusted choice for those seeking effective IUI Treatment in Noida.

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    Comprehensive Evaluation and Planning: The process begins with a detailed consultation and diagnostic tests to assess the couple’s fertility status. Based on this, a personalized IUI treatment plan is formulated.

     Ovulation Stimulation and Monitoring: Fertility drugs are administered to stimulate ovulation, followed by regular monitoring through ultrasound to track the development of the eggs and determine the optimal time for insemination.

    Sperm Preparation and Insemination: On the day of ovulation, a semen sample is collected, processed to concentrate healthy sperm, and then carefully inserted into the uterus using a specialized catheter, ensuring minimal discomfort.

    Post-Insemination Care and Follow-Up: After the procedure, patients receive guidance for post-treatment care. A pregnancy test is scheduled after a waiting period, and subsequent follow-up visits are arranged to evaluate the treatment’s success and discuss further steps if needed.

    Each step at Little Angel IVF is meticulously handled to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy through IUI.


    Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment used in various scenarios:

    Donor Sperm Use: Ideal for individuals or couples requiring donor sperm due to single parenthood, absence of partner sperm, or low sperm quality.

    Unexplained Infertility: Often the first-line treatment, IUI is combined with medications that stimulate egg production in cases of unexplained infertility.

    Endometriosis-Related Infertility: When infertility stems from endometriosis, IUI is done to address issues caused by uterine lining tissue growing outside the uterus.

    Mild Male Factor Infertility: Issues in semen (like sperm count/shape/motility) are detected through semen analysis. IUI helps in separating higher quality sperm for the procedure.

    Cervical Factor Infertility: Addresses cervical issues like thick mucus or scarring that hinder sperm journey. IUI bypasses the cervix, placing sperm directly in the uterus.

    Ovulatory Factor Infertility: Suitable for those with ovulation-related infertility, including irregular ovulation or reduced egg count.

    Semen Allergy: A rare condition where semen proteins cause allergic reactions. IUI avoids these proteins, allowing for pregnancy without the allergic symptoms.

    IUI is a versatile procedure accommodating various infertility causes, enhancing the chances of conception. Our IUI Clinic in Noida is a preferred destination for IUI Treatment in Noida.

    IVF success stories


    Meet Dr. Mona Dahiya, a preeminent IUI specialist in Noida, renowned for her extensive 25-year experience in IUI treatment in Noida. An esteemed alumnus of India’s leading medical institutes, Lady Hardinge Medical College, and Maulana Azad Medical College, she has a super specialization in reproductive medicine, focusing on IUI and IVF. Dr. Dahiya has successfully completed over 10,000 IUI cycles and her insightful research on IUI procedures is widely recognized and published. Her remarkable success stories in IUI are often used as case studies in medical colleges, highlighting her significant contributions to the field. Additionally, Dr. Dahiya is a dedicated trainer, imparting her vast knowledge of IUI treatment to aspiring gynecologists in Noida. Her expertise and commitment to fertility treatments make her a distinguished figure in reproductive medicine, offering hope and advanced care to countless individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood.


    What is the cost of IUI in Noida?

    Typically, the cost of IUI fertility treatment averages about INR 15,000, but this can vary based on several factors. Different clinics have varied pricing structures, which may include doctor’s fees and can fluctuate depending on individual medical conditions, the patient’s age, specific causes of infertility, and the necessity for additional drugs and medications. Each of these elements contributes to the overall cost, making it important to consult with a fertility clinic for a more precise estimate tailored to your unique situation.

    Is IUI 100% successful?

    The success rates of IUI treatments vary, typically ranging between 40% and 50% per cycle, particularly when there are two functional fallopian tubes and healthy, high-quality sperm. However, these rates can significantly improve, reaching approximately 60–75%, when IUI is combined with fertility medications. This enhancement in success rates is attributed to the increased likelihood of ovulation and better sperm quality facilitated by these drugs, thereby boosting the overall effectiveness of the IUI procedure.

    What is the age for IUI ?

    Intrauterine insemination (IUI) success rates are closely linked to age. For women under 35, typically at their peak fertility, the success rate of IUI is about 25%. However, as women age, these rates decline. Between the ages of 35 and 40, the chances of a successful IUI drop to approximately 10%. Beyond 40, the likelihood of pregnancy through IUI further decreases, falling to a range of just 3-5%.

    Can I be pregnant with IUI ?

    IUI Treatment in Noida is an effective solution for pregnancy in cases of semen allergy, as it can circumvent the allergy’s painful symptoms. This is achieved because the IUI process involves removing most allergy-causing proteins from the semen before sperm insertion. While specific success percentages may vary, IUI typically offers a success rate of about 20-25% per cycle, depending on factors like age and fertility health. This procedure thus not only facilitates conception but also ensures a more comfortable and symptom-free experience for those with semen allergies.

    Can you get twins with IUI?

    The likelihood of a multiple pregnancy, such as twins, is not directly increased by IUI itself, but significantly rises when combined with fertility medications. These drugs stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs for ovulation. Consequently, if several eggs are released and fertilized, there is a higher probability of conceiving twins or multiples. This outcome is primarily due to the enhanced number of available eggs during the fertility treatment, making the scenario of multiple fertilizations more feasible.

    Is it painful to have an IUI?

    IUI treatment is typically painless, though experiences can vary among patients. While most patients report little to no discomfort, a minority might experience mild unease. Approximately 70-80% of patients undergo the procedure without notable discomfort. The remaining 20-30% may experience slight discomfort during the speculum examination, ultrasounds, or the insemination process itself. These sensations, if present, are generally mild and short-lived, making IUI a relatively comfortable fertility treatment option for most individuals.

    What are the disadvantages of IUI Treatment?

    For IUI to be effective, certain conditions must be met, such as having clear and undamaged fallopian tubes. The success of IUI also hinges on the partner carrying the pregnancy having regular ovulation and the sperm possessing adequate motility. The overall success rate of IUI hovers around 20%, which is lower compared to other treatments like IVF. According to research from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, while IVF generally offers higher success rates, IUI remains a viable option for many, especially in cases of unexplained infertility or mild male factor infertility. This research underscores the importance of selecting the most suitable fertility treatment based on individual medical conditions.

    Who is eligible for IUI?

    IUI is recommended in several scenarios, such as when vaginal intercourse is not possible due to physical disabilities or psychosexual issues. It is also a suitable option for couples needing assistance with conception due to specific health conditions. For instance, if one partner is HIV-positive and unprotected sex poses a health risk, IUI provides a safe alternative for conception. This treatment facilitates pregnancy while addressing unique medical and physical circumstances, ensuring that couples with specific reproductive challenges have a viable path to parenthood.

    Is 35 too old for IUI?

    Under 35, IUI success peaks at around 20%, influenced by factors like sperm quality, fallopian tube health, and cervical mucus. Success might require up to six attempts. Post-35, natural conception rates drop, with IUI success falling to 10% between 35-40 years and 2-5% after 40. For those over 40, IVF is often recommended over IUI for higher chances of success. An IUI success rate calculator can help gauge the likelihood of success at different ages.

    Is it OK to travel after IUI?

    Traveling post-IUI procedure is generally considered safe, but adhering to your fertility specialist’s guidelines is crucial. A study in the “Journal of Travel Medicine” suggests that moderate travel does not affect IUI outcomes. However, it is advisable to avoid vigorous activities and ensure comfort while traveling. Listening to your body and taking necessary precautions can help maintain the procedure’s effectiveness during travel.

    How many injections are given in IUI?

    Clomiphene Citrate (CC) is typically given at 100 mg daily from days 3 to 7 of the menstrual cycle. Following this, Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG) at 150 IU is administered daily from day 7 until the lead follicle attains a mean diameter of 17-18 mm. Once this size is reached, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) at a dose of 5000-10000 units is administered. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is then scheduled for two days after the hCG injection. This protocol is designed to optimize follicle development and timing for IUI.

    Can sperm fall out after an IUI?

    After the sperm is injected into the uterus during IUI, it typically stays in place. However, post-procedure, some women might experience increased wetness. This is not due to the sperm but rather a result of the catheter loosening cervical mucus, causing it to flow out. The procedure is designed to ensure sperm remains effectively in the uterus for potential fertilization.

    Who benefits most from IUI?

    IUI benefits couples with unexplained infertility, mild male factor infertility, cervical mucus issues, and those using donor sperm. It is also suitable for single women and same-sex couples seeking to conceive.

    How many sperm are needed for IUI?

    For successful IUI outcomes, the washed sperm sample should contain a minimum of 5 million motile sperm. Samples with only 1 to 5 million motile sperm post-washing demonstrate significantly lower success rates. This threshold is crucial to enhance the chances of fertilization and achieving a successful pregnancy through IUI.

    Do I need bed rest after IUI?

    Post-IUI, it is essential for the woman to prioritize rest and relaxation. Stress can adversely affect fertility, making relaxation crucial for enhancing the procedure’s success. Advisable steps include taking a short break from work, ensuring adequate rest, and steering clear of heavy physical exertion. These measures contribute to creating an optimal environment for potential conception following the IUI treatment in Noida.

    What is the minimum cost of IUI?

    The minimum cost of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is approximately ₹8,000 per cycle in India. IUI is a cost-effective option for couples seeking Low-Cost fertility treatment for the first time. However, prices may vary based on the clinic pricing plans. It is advisable to check with specific fertility clinics for precise pricing details.

    What is the best age for IUI?

    The Right age for IUI is less than 30 years of age.IUI is most effective for women under 30, with success rates higher in their 20s. Fertility decreases after 35 due to declining egg quality and quantity. Women over 40 may find IUI less effective and will have to consider advanced treatments like IVF. Consulting a fertility specialist is recommended for personalized advice.

    Is one egg sufficient for IUI?

    For IUI, one healthy egg can be sufficient for successful fertilization. The treatment’s success hinges on the egg’s quality and the sperm’s ability to fertilize it. However, individual factors like age and fertility health play significant roles, so consulting a fertility specialist for personalized assessment and advice is essential.

    Which is costly IVF or IUI?

    IVF is significantly more expensive than IUI, often costing 10 times more. A typical IUI cycle ranges from ₹10,000 to ₹15,000, while IVF can cost between ₹100,000 to ₹150,000, potentially rising to ₹200,000 with additional tests, medication changes, donor eggs or sperm, or frozen embryo transfers.

    What is qualifying for IUI?

    Qualifying for IUI involves meeting certain criteria: open fallopian tubes, a sufficient sperm count, and ovulation issues treatable with medication. It is ideal for couples with unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis, or mild male factor infertility. A thorough evaluation by a fertility doctor determines suitability based on individual health and fertility profiles.

    How much does a cycle of IUI cost?

    In India, a cycle of IUI costs around ₹15,000. In contrast, in many Western countries, the cost is higher, averaging around $1,000 per cycle. These costs can vary based on the clinic, geographical location, and any additional treatments or medications that may be required alongside the IUI procedure.

    Is IUI successful in first try?

    IUI success on the first try varies, with success rates generally ranging from 20-20%. Factors influencing success include age, fertility issues, and sperm quality. While some achieve pregnancy on the first attempt, others may need multiple cycles. Consulting a fertility specialist can provide a better understanding of individual success chances.

    Where is sperm injected in IUI?

    In IUI, sperm is injected directly into the uterus. This procedure bypasses the cervix, increasing the chances of sperm reaching the fallopian tubes, where fertilization occurs. This targeted approach enhances the likelihood of sperm encountering and fertilizing an egg, compared to natural conception where sperm must travel from the vagina.

    Why is IUI so expensive?

    At about ₹15,000 per cycle, IUI is not an expensive procedure as compared to other procedures like IVF.The cost of IUI is due to several factor like specialized medical expertise, necessary lab work, sperm preparation, and sometimes fertility medications. The process involves careful timing and monitoring of ovulation, along with precise insemination techniques. These components, essential for increasing the chances of successful fertilization, contribute to the overall expense of the treatment.

    What happens on day 2 after IUI?

    On day 2 after IUI, the fertilization process may be occurring if sperm successfully meets the egg in the fallopian tube. During this time, there are no specific symptoms to expect, as it is too early for implantation. Patients are advised to continue normal activities and follow any guidelines given by their doctor.

    What is the best day for IUI?

    The best day for IUI is the 1st Day of the ovulation, when an egg is released from the ovary. This timing maximizes the chances of sperm meeting the egg. Doctors often use ovulation predictor kits, ultrasounds, or fertility drugs to determine the optimal time for the IUI procedure.

    Is sperm frozen for IUI?

    Sperm is not frozen for a normal IUI Cycle if the husband is available on the day of insemination. Sperm can be frozen for IUI, a process known as cryopreservation. This is useful for preserving sperm quality, for donor sperm use, or when the male partner is unavailable on the day of insemination. Frozen sperm is thawed and prepared on the day of IUI, maintaining its viability for fertilization.

    What are good signs after an IUI?

    Following are the 5 Good Signs after an IUI Ttreatment in Noida.

    1. Mild cramping: Like menstrual cramps, indicating the body’s response to the procedure.
    2. Light spotting: Occurs as the catheter passes through the cervix.
    3. Increased cervical mucus: Hormonal changes post-IUI can cause this.
    4. Breast tenderness: A sign of early pregnancy, but can also be due to hormonal medications.
    5. No significant discomfort: Generally, experiencing no severe pain or complications post-IUI is a positive sign.

    What happens after 3 days of IUI?

    Three (3) days post-IUI, fertilization may have occurred if a sperm successfully met and penetrated the egg in the fallopian tube. At this stage, the fertilized egg, now a zygote, begins cell division. However, it is still early in the process, and implantation in the uterus has not yet occurred.

    Who is not a good candidate for IUI?

    Following are not good candidates for IUI.

    1. Women with severe fallopian tube damage.
    2. Women with significant endometriosis.
    3. Women with poor egg quality.
    4. Men with very low sperm count.
    5. Men with poor sperm motility.
    6. Couples with multiple failed IUI attempts.
    7. Couples with complex, unaddressed fertility issues, potentially requiring IVF.

    Who is most successful with IUI?

    Following cases is most successful with IUI.

    1. Women under 35 with good ovarian reserve.
    2. Couples with unexplained infertility.
    3. Individuals with mild endometriosis.
    4. Men with slightly below-average sperm count or motility.
    5. Couples where the female partner has ovulatory disorders treatable with medication.
    6. Couples with cervical factor infertility.

    How many rounds of IUI is normal?

    Usually, three to six rounds of IUI are considered normal. Success rates generally peak by the third or fourth attempt. If IUI fails after several cycles, many doctors recommend evaluating the treatment plan or considering alternative fertility treatments, such as IVF, to enhance the chances of achieving pregnancy.

    Why are IUI unsuccessful?

    IUI is unsuccessful in the following cases:

    1. Advanced maternal age, particularly over 35.
    2. Severe male factor infertility.
    3. Significant fallopian tube damage.
    4. Poor egg or sperm quality.
    5. Unaddressed endometriosis or uterine abnormalities.
    6. Incorrect timing of the IUI procedure.
    7. Inadequate response to fertility drugs.
    8. General health and lifestyle factors impacting fertility.

    How many visits are required for IUI?

    In general,3-5 visits are required per cycle for IUI. The initial visit involves consultation and planning. Subsequent visits include monitoring ovulation (usually via ultrasound), possibly administering fertility drugs. The insemination procedure itself constitutes a visit. A follow-up is often scheduled to test for pregnancy. The exact number of visits can vary based on individual treatment protocols and responses.

    How much sperm is needed for IUI?

    For IUI, a minimum of 5 million motile sperm post-wash (after processing) is generally considered adequate. The sperm sample is prepared to concentrate the healthiest sperm. While higher counts can increase success rates, pregnancies have occurred with lower counts, emphasizing quality and motility as crucial factors in the IUI process.

    How much sperm is injected for IUI?

    In IUI, the injected sperm volume varies, typically ranging from 0.5 to 1 ml after processing. This concentrated sample contains several million motile sperm, selected for optimal quality and mobility. The precise amount depends on the initial semen analysis results and laboratory techniques used to prepare the sperm, aiming to maximize the chances of successful fertilization.