Fertility Excellence for 25 Years


Little Angel IVF is a To Fertility Preservation Treatment Clinic in Noida. We offer advanced reproductive technologies and personalized care, helping individuals and couples preserve fertility for future family planning.


Little Angel IVF is a renowned Fertility Preservation Treatment Clinic in Noida that stands out as a preferred choice for Couples seeking fertility preservation. Our Fertility Preservation centre specializes in advanced fertility preservation techniques. Fertility preservation involves saving or protecting eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissue so that a person can use them to have biological children in the future. This is often used before treatments like chemotherapy or for those delaying parenthood.

Our Fertility Preservation clinic in Noida team comprises of highly skilled Embryologists and Fertility Specialists with over 100 Years of Combined Experience. We have the latest Fertility Preservation services including egg freezing, sperm freezing, embryo freezing and ovarian tissue preservation. These advanced methods provide a safety net for individuals and couples, preserving their reproductive materials in optimal conditions. Our Fertility Preservation Clinics high success rates in fertility preservation have earned us a Trusted reputation in Fertility Preservation Treatment in Noida.

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Little Angel IVF offers a comprehensive range of services for fertility preservation treatment in Noida. Our Fertility Preservation services include:

Egg Freezing: Ideal for women who wish to delay motherhood, ensuring the availability of healthy eggs in the future.

Sperm Freezing: Beneficial for men who want to preserve their fertility before undergoing medical treatments or due to age-related factors.

Embryo Freezing: A viable option for couples undergoing IVF, allowing them to store embryos for future use.

Ovarian Tissue Freezing: An advanced technique helpful for women who cannot undergo egg freezing due to medical conditions or time constraints.

At Little Angel IVF, any Fertility Preservation Treatment service costs ₹25,000 for 6 Months and ₹40,000 for 1 Year . We ensure personalized attention and the best possible outcomes for those seeking to preserve their fertility.


Dr. Mona Dahiya is a Top Fertility Preservation Doctor in India that provides Fertility Assessment and Counselling at Little Angel IVF. Our Fertility Assessment Counselling service is designed to guide individuals and couples through their fertility preservation journey. Dr. Dahiya meticulously reviews each patient’s medical history, future aspirations, career goals, marital plans, and any upcoming medical surgeries to provide a tailored recommendation. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of the patient’s life is considered, enabling Dr. Dahiya to suggest the most suitable fertility preservation Treatment service. Her expertise and personalized care help patients understand their options clearly, empowering them to make informed decisions best aligned with their personal and professional life goals.

Book an online consultation with Dr. Mona Dahiya to gain comprehensive insights and guidance about your fertility preservation options and needs. Residents of Noida and Delhi NCR can book a Face-to-Face Physical Consultation at Little Angel IVF.



Dr. Mona Dahiya is a globally recognized leader in fertility preservation with over 25 years of experience in the field. She has been instrumental in pioneering fertility preservation treatments clinic in India, introducing advanced techniques like egg freezing and embryo freezing in the early 2000s. Dr. Dahiya’s has also authored numerous influential articles on ovarian tissue freezing and embryo freezing. She is a sought-after Speaker at international events, including ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology).

Dr Mona is a distinguished member of the Indian Fertility Society and the Indian Council of Medical Research. She is an alumnus of the prestigious Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, where she completed her MD in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi, for her MBBS.She completed a fellowship in Reproductive Medicine at the renowned Singapore General Hospital. Her pioneering work in fertility preservation makes her a guiding light for those seeking fertility preservation treatments in Noida.


What is fertility preservation treatment?

Fertility preservation treatment is a medical process to save or protect eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissue, enabling individuals to have biological children in the future. This is particularly important before undergoing certain medical treatments or for those delaying parenthood, and involves techniques like egg, sperm, and tissue freezing.

Why would you need fertility preservation?

Fertility preservation may be needed due to medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, which can affect fertility. It is also an option for those who wish to delay parenthood due to personal, career, or health reasons, ensuring the possibility of having biological children later.

What is fertilization preservation?

Fertilization preservation is often referred to as “embryo freezing”. It is a medical technique that involves freezing and storing embryos at sub-zero temperatures. This process allows individuals or couples to delay parenthood for various reasons, including health issues, aging, or personal circumstances. The preserved embryos can be thawed and implanted in the uterus later, offering a chance for pregnancy and childbirth.

What is a fertility preservation cycle?

A fertility preservation cycle is a medical process used to safeguard reproductive potential. It typically involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, retrieving these eggs, and then either freezing them or fertilizing them with sperm to create embryos for freezing. This method is often chosen by individuals facing treatments like chemotherapy, which can affect fertility, or by those who wish to delay childbearing for personal or medical reasons.

What drugs are used for fertility preservation?

For fertility preservation, various hormonal drugs are used to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. These include gonadotropins (FSH and LH), GnRH agonists or antagonists, and sometimes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The specific regimen depends on individual needs and medical circumstances, tailored to optimize egg production for retrieval and preservation.

Is fertility treatment safe?

Fertility treatments are generally considered safe, with many successful outcomes. However, like any medical procedure, they carry risks such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, multiple pregnancies, and emotional stress. Each person’s risk varies based on their health and the specific treatment. Consulting a Fertility Doctor in Noida to understand the possible advantages and risks is crucial.

Is IVF a fertility preservation?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology, primarily used to address infertility. While IVF is not a fertility preservation method, IVF can play a role in it, particularly when embryos created through IVF are frozen for future use. This aspect of IVF can help preserve fertility potential, especially for individuals undergoing treatments or life circumstances that may impact their future fertility.

Can you freeze ovaries?

Ovarian tissue freezing is a fertility preservation technique where a portion of ovarian tissue is surgically removed, frozen, and stored. This method is particularly useful for those who cannot undergo egg retrieval or face treatments like chemotherapy. The tissue can later be reimplanted to potentially restore fertility.

What is preservation of female eggs?

Preservation of female eggs, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, involves freezing a woman’s eggs to maintain their viability for future use. This process is chosen for various reasons, such as impending medical treatments affecting fertility, delaying childbearing, or personal circumstances. The frozen eggs can later be thawed, fertilized, and implanted to facilitate pregnancy.

What is the cost of embryo preservation?

The cost of embryo preservation varies based on duration of Preservation. For a six-month period, it can be around ₹25,000, while a one-year preservation may cost approximately ₹40,000. These figures usually exclude the costs of initial procedures like IVF or associated medication.

What is sperm preservation called?

Sperm preservation, also known as sperm cryopreservation or sperm freezing, is the process of collecting, freezing, and storing sperm cells. This technique is used for various reasons, including before medical treatments like chemotherapy, for fertility treatments like IVF, or for donating to others. It allows for future use in assisted reproductive technologies.

What is egg preservation called?

Egg preservation, scientifically known as oocyte cryopreservation, involves the process of freezing and storing a woman’s eggs (oocytes). This technique is often used for delaying childbirth, preserving fertility before medical treatments like chemotherapy, or for other personal or health reasons. It allows the eggs to be used later for assisted reproductive techniques.

How is sperm preserved?

Sperm preservation involves collecting sperm, which is then frozen using cryoprotectants to safeguard its viability. The process, known as cryopreservation, stores the sperm at extremely low temperatures, typically in liquid nitrogen. This method effectively preserves sperm for extended periods, allowing it to be thawed and used later for artificial insemination or other fertility treatments.

  1. Collection: Sperm is collected typically through ejaculation.
  2. Cryoprotectants: Special substances are added to protect sperm during freezing.
  3. Freezing: Sperm is frozen to very low temperatures, often in liquid nitrogen.
  4. Storage: The frozen sperm is stored in cryogenic tanks.
  5. Long-Term Preservation: Sperm can be preserved for many years.
  6. Thawing for Use: When needed, sperm is thawed for use in fertility treatments like artificial insemination or IVF.

What is the purpose of egg preservation?

Egg preservation, or oocyte cryopreservation, serves several purposes:

  1. Delaying Childbearing: Allows women to postpone pregnancy for personal or career reasons.
  2. Medical Treatment Preparation: Preserves fertility before treatments like chemotherapy that may impair reproductive ability.
  3. Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Provides eggs for use in IVF and other fertility treatments.
  4. Fertility Control: Offers women more control over their reproductive planning and timeline.
  5. Health Preservation: Helps maintain reproductive health for future family planning.

Can chemo destroy eggs?

Chemotherapy (Chemo) can damage or destroy eggs, as it targets rapidly dividing cells, a category that includes egg cells. The extent of the impact varies based on the type and intensity of the chemotherapy, and the age of the patient. This potential risk makes fertility preservation options important to consider prior to starting chemotherapy.

Is it painful to freeze eggs?

It is not painful to freeze eggs. Freezing eggs involves hormonal stimulation and an egg retrieval procedure. The stimulation process may cause discomfort or side effects like bloating. The egg retrieval, usually done under anaesthesia, is not painful at the time, but some women may experience cramping or mild discomfort afterwards. Overall, most women tolerate the process well.

Can PCOS freeze eggs?

Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can undergo egg freezing. PCOS often causes irregular ovulation, but fertility medications can stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs for retrieval. However, PCOS may affect the response to these medications, and individualized treatment is crucial. Egg freezing can be a viable option for preserving fertility in women with PCOS.

Do celebrities freeze their eggs?

Many celebrities have openly discussed freezing their eggs to extend their fertility options. They include Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vergara, Rita Ora, and Chrissy Teigen. These public figures often share their experiences to destigmatize fertility treatments and encourage awareness about reproductive choices and planning among women.

Can you get pregnant after egg freezing?

Yes, you can get pregnant after egg freezing. The frozen eggs can be thawed, fertilized with sperm to create embryos, and then transferred to the uterus in an IVF cycle. The success rate depends on various factors, including the woman’s age at the time of egg freezing and the quality of the eggs. Egg freezing offers a viable option for women to conceive in the future, particularly if they wish to delay childbearing or face medical treatments that might affect fertility.

What is the cost of egg freezing in India?

The cost of egg freezing in India for six months is ₹25,000, while a one-year storage costs ₹40,000. If one opts for a five-year plan, the annual rate is reduced by about 10%, making it a more economical long-term option.

What is the best age to freeze your eggs?

The best age to freeze eggs is typically in the late 20s to early 30s. Egg quality and quantity naturally decline with age, and the eggs are of higher quality and more likely to lead to a successful pregnancy when frozen at a younger age. Freezing eggs before the mid-30s offers a better chance of future fertility success.

Should I freeze my sperm?

Deciding to freeze sperm is a personal choice, often influenced by factors like age, health, and future family plans. Sperm Freezing is advisable for men undergoing medical treatments that could affect fertility, such as chemotherapy, or for those wanting to delay fatherhood. Consultation with a Fertility Doctor can help you make an informed decision.

Are sperm cramps real?

“Sperm cramps” is not a medically recognized term. Men may experience discomfort or pain in the testicular or pelvic area due to various reasons, such as infections, injuries, or medical conditions like epididymitis. However, this discomfort is not directly related to sperm itself. It is important to consult a doctor for any persistent or concerning symptoms.

Can men freeze their sperm?

Yes, Men can freeze their sperm through a process known as sperm cryopreservation. This is commonly done for preserving fertility before medical treatments like chemotherapy, for use in assisted reproductive techniques, or for other personal reasons. The process involves collecting, freezing, and storing sperm at very low temperatures for future use.

How many eggs do females have?

Females are born with a finite number of eggs, typically around 1 to 2 million. By the time of puberty, this number decreases to about 300,000 to 500,000. Throughout a woman’s reproductive years, only about 300 to 400 eggs are ovulated. The rest degenerate over time, a process known as atresia.

Are frozen IVF babies born early?

Babies born through IVF using frozen embryos have a slightly higher risk of being born early (preterm) compared to naturally conceived babies. However, this risk is influenced by various factors, including the IVF procedures, maternal health, and multiple pregnancies. Overall, many IVF pregnancies result in full-term, healthy births. There is not a universal statistical reference for the likelihood of preterm birth in babies born through IVF with frozen embryos, as it varies based on multiple factors. However, some studies at Little Angel IVF suggest a (3-5) % increased risk compared to natural conception.

Can I freeze my sperm in India?

Yes, you can freeze your sperm in India. Sperm cryopreservation is available at many fertility clinics across the country. Sperm Freezing is a common procedure for men who wish to preserve their fertility for future use, whether due to medical treatments, age, lifestyle choices, or other personal reasons. This service offers flexibility for future family planning.

Can humans store sperm?

Humans can store sperm through a process known as sperm cryopreservation. In this procedure, sperm is collected, frozen, and stored in liquid nitrogen at extremely low temperatures. This method allows long-term preservation of sperm viability, enabling future use in assisted reproductive technologies like IVF or artificial insemination, even years later.

Can I keep sperm in the fridge?

Storing sperm in a regular fridge is not effective for preserving its viability. Proper sperm preservation requires freezing at extremely low temperatures, far below those a standard refrigerator can achieve. Sperm cryopreservation, performed in specialized labs, uses liquid nitrogen to maintain sperm at these necessary low temperatures for long-term storage and future use.

What are 3 ways to preserve eggs?

Below are the 3 ways to preserve eggs.

  1. Oocyte Cryopreservation (Egg Freezing): Involves hormonally stimulating the ovaries, retrieving mature eggs, and freezing them for future use.
  2. Ovarian Tissue Freezing: A surgical procedure where ovarian tissue is removed, frozen, and stored, potentially to be reimplanted later.
  3. Embryo Freezing: Fertilizing retrieved eggs with sperm to create embryos, which are then frozen for future implantation.

Is IVF the same as egg freezing?

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and egg freezing are different processes. IVF involves fertilizing an egg with sperm in a lab to create an embryo, which is then implanted into the uterus. Egg freezing, on the other hand, involves freezing and storing a woman’s eggs for future use, without immediate fertilization.

How many eggs per month does a female produce?

A female typically produces one egg per menstrual cycle each month. This process is part of the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle. However, the number can vary; in some cycles, especially with fertility treatments, multiple eggs might be produced. Not every cycle leads to the release of an egg, as factors like stress or health issues can affect ovulation.

What is the disadvantage of egg freezing?

Below are the disadvantages of Egg freezing.

  1. Cost: Egg freezing can be expensive, including medication, procedure, and storage fees.
  2. No Guarantee: There is no certainty of a future pregnancy; success rates vary.
  3. Medical Risks: Hormonal stimulation may cause side effects; egg retrieval carries surgical risks.
  4. Emotional Stress: The process can be emotionally taxing, especially if unsuccessful.
  5. Time-Sensitive: Effectiveness decreases with age, requiring timely decision-making.

Does PCOS mean poor egg quality?

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) does not necessarily mean poor egg quality. While PCOS can affect ovulation and lead to fewer released eggs, the quality of the eggs is not inherently poor. Women with PCOS may face challenges in conceiving primarily due to irregular ovulation, but with appropriate treatment, successful pregnancies are possible.

What are signs of poor egg quality?

Below are the 5 Signs of Poor Egg Quality.

  1. Advanced Maternal Age: Fertility declines with age, often indicating poorer egg quality.
  2. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Can suggest ovulatory issues, affecting egg quality.
  3. Failed Fertility Treatments: Repeated IVF or other fertility treatment failures may indicate poor egg quality.
  4. Low Ovarian Reserve: Fewer eggs in the ovaries, often correlating with reduced quality.
  5. Miscarriages: Recurrent miscarriages can sometimes be a sign of poor egg quality.

What is the difference between PCOD and PCOS?

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease): A condition where ovaries contain many immature or partially matured eggs, leading to hormonal imbalances. Often less severe, PCOD might not significantly impact fertility.

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): A more serious hormonal disorder with symptoms like irregular periods, excess androgen levels, and polycystic ovaries. PCOS can have a more significant impact on fertility and overall health.

What is the cost for fertility treatments?

The cost of fertility treatments varies: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is around ₹10,000, while in vitro fertilization (IVF) can cost about ₹150,000. Additional procedures like fertility preservation (egg freezing, embryo freezing) incur extra charges. However, these treatments are becoming more affordable, and some insurance policies may cover these costs.

How much does gift fertility treatment cost?

The cost of GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer) fertility treatment varies widely, depending on the clinic and location. It is generally in the same range as IVF, which can be around ₹150,000 or more. This cost includes hormone treatments, egg retrieval, and the transfer procedure. Prices may fluctuate based on individual medical needs and additional services required.

How much does IVF cost?

In India, the cost of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) typically ranges from ₹125,000 to ₹175,000. This price can vary based on the clinic’s location, the complexity of the patient’s medical needs, and the specific procedures involved. Additional costs may include medications, additional cycles, or supplementary treatments like ICSI or embryo freezing.

What is the cost of IVF in India 2024?

As of 2024, the cost of IVF in India typically ranges between ₹125,000 to ₹175,000. This cost may vary depending on the specific requirements of the treatment, the clinic’s location, and the expertise of the medical professionals involved. Additional expenses might include medications, extra cycles, or other supplementary procedures.

How much is it to freeze eggs?

The cost of freezing eggs for six months is approximately ₹25,000, while extending the preservation to one-year costs about ₹40,000. These prices can vary based on the fertility clinic and location. These costs typically cover the storage of the eggs, but may not include the initial egg retrieval and freezing procedure.